Ministry of Tourism
The Ministry of Tourism works in partnership with the industry to shape inclusive, diversified, dynamic tourism landscape for the development at national level - ensuring an economically profitable industry while optimizing and balancing economical, environmental and socio-cultural benefits of tourism.
All Services
All Services
Statistical Data Request
This service can be used by the general public to obtain statistical data from the Ministry that relates to tourism. If the request is for aggregate statistical data, the information will be made available. However, in accordance with the "Regulation on Collection of Data for the Collection of Tourism Statistics," information pertaining to individual establishments will not be provided.
Land Survey Report Approval
This service can be used to register the area of the land (island, lagoon or plot of lands) allocated for tourism purposes. The rent of the tourist establishment is based on the land area.
Duty Exemption
This service can be used to apply for an exemption of customs import duty payable for goods imported for the purpose of developing tourist establishments. Import duties are levied as per Export-Import Act No. 31/79.
Testing Service for Payment
Testing Service for Payment
Homestay Tourist Guesthouse Operating License
This service can be used to obtain a new operating licence for Homestay Tourist Guesthouse operations.
DCN Node Testing V2
DCN Node Testing V2
Sublease Approval
This service can be used to get approval to sublease a tourist establishment.
Registration of Resorts
This service can be used to register a new resort with the Ministry. Resorts under this service are defined as those that are developed on plots of land or islands leased for tourism development.
Application for this service can be completed and submitted within 10-15 minutes.
Mobilization Permit
This service can be used to obtain permits for temporary structures required for mobilisation to begin the development of a resort. The permit is valid for a period of six months.
Application for this service can be completed and submitted within 10-15 minutes.
Hotel Operating License
This service is to obtain a new operating license and renew an operating license for tourist hotel. The application must be submitted at least four weeks before license expiry or commencement of operation.
Operating License for Dive Facility
This service can be used to obtain a new operating licence for dive facilities. Applications should be submitted at least one month prior to the commencement of operations.
Application for this service can be completed and submitted within 10-15 minutes.
No Objection to Pre-opening
This service can be used to request a Pre-Opening Quota and a No-Objection letter for a registered resort, hotel, guesthouse, or marina to start operations.
Construction Period Extension
This service can be used to obtain an extension for the construction period granted for the development of tourist establishments. The construction period can be extended if the lessee cannot complete the development of the tourist establishment within the grace period.
Lease Transfer
This service can be used to request for approval to transfer the lease rights of a tourist establishment to another party.
Sublease Registration
This service can be used to register the sublease agreement with the Ministry.
Registration of Hotels
This service can be used to register a new tourist hotel.. Hotels under this service are defined as those that are developed on plots of land or islands leased for tourism development.
Application for this service can be completed and submitted within 10-15 minutes.